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10 Top Reasons to Start Creating Online Course As Course Creator

With online course platforms offering more features that make teaching online easier. People buy courses online to learn new skills through live online classes and self-paced course. Here’s some key statistics why you should consider start creating your own online course:

Creating and selling online course is a great way for instructors and course creator to expand their reach and earn a stable income teaching online. First step to get started in your edupreneurship journey as an educator which can potential earn you 5 to 6 figures per month.


  • Launching an online course is simple and user-friendly; easy to setup, low initial investment, highly flexibility and convenience.
  • Create positive impact to the society by influencing and inspire others, creating a ripple effect of positive change.
  • Automation of your income, creating a passive income channel through streamlined processes, no paperwork or physical products to manage and offers unlimited potential.

Best Reasons Why You Should Create An Online Course Now

Create and launch an online course is simple, you don’t have to make a huge initial investment, you can work from anywhere in the world selling online course making a positive change to learners.

Most importantly, you don’t have to be an expert to launch your online course, platforms like Teachng can help you in your course launch and you get to focus on creating high quality education content, doing what you love and become an authority in your field.

The benefits of creating an online course are many. Here are the top 10 reasons for creating an online course.

1. Easy To Start An Online Course

The act of setting up an online course isn’t difficult. Most platforms streamline the process so that it’s simple and intuitive. Even the most computer illiterate person can create classes, content and materials in the shortest time possible.

You don’t have to hire anyone and you can create your course however you think will benefit your students.

  • You can create your own online course series, complete with certificates and degrees to create your own online school.
  • You can design and create a college-like learning environment or you can develop classes that go outside normal education parameters.
  • You can just create a simple and short single course just to get your name out there.

For example, you can have a specified syllabus with itemized tests, quizzes and exams. Or, you could have a game-like atmosphere with challenges and points for students to achieve. Alternatively, you can do roundtable discussions, have students turn in videos as assignments or simply share knowledge for the sake of it.

2. Low-to-No Initial Investment

Most online learning platforms have a free option or they give you a free trial period that you’ll eventually have to pay for. This also means that you can start creating and selling your online course for free.

Furthermore, with your course being other there online, you only need to find a good online course platform to get your course setup, These all translates to a low initial investment.

So, if your course doesn’t work out or you don’t attract as many students as you’d like, you can cancel it without gouging your bank account.

You can try each one to see which suits your needs best and how you want to teach material to students. If it doesn’t work out, you can wash your hands of the whole business without sacrificing money on your end.

Of course, if your teaching journey online grows by leaps and bounds, you can pay for a more elite tier. But, by then, your profit margin should be much larger than when you first started. This point alone is enough to at least try your hand at developing an online learning environment.

3. Work from Anywhere

The great thing about online learning is that you and your students can interact from anywhere in the world.

  • You can go on vacation, take a business trip or visit family during the holidays without having to reschedule or skip classes.
  • Teaching from the comfort of your home or office means you’ll convey the material in a relaxed way.

Without having to go out of town to teach in a traditional classroom setting mean you won’t get frazzled or confused. This reduces the risk of making mistakes or forgetting to include important concepts which can reduce credibility in the eyes of your students.

This kind of convenience and flexibility is invaluable to any traditional educator and those who want to explore entrepreneurship in education.

When you combine the ability to work anywhere with a next-to-nil initial investment, there’s no reason not to develop an online class.

4. No Paperwork

Another great reason to create an online course is how there’s no paperwork involved.

Unless you want to print things out on your own, there’s no need to deal with mountains of red tape. Not only will you save a few trees, but it also keeps your office clutter free.

  • You can spend more quality time with your family, play with your pet, take a much-needed nap or any number of other things.
  • You can use the extra time to create another quality online course that benefit even more learners.

5. No Physical Products (No Inventory)

You don’t have to fuss around with physical products to design, setup and sell coursework online. Unless you want to offer t-shirts or other paraphernalia for your school through a personal website, you don’t need to stockpile products.

In this way, you don’t have to take up valuable storage or real estate in your attic, basement or garage.

If your course doesn’t end up catching on, then you won’t be swimming in a sea of excess products you won’t use and don’t need.

Low Risk, High Return

6. Follow Your Passion

A fabulous benefit in having an online learning structure is the ability to follow your passion and do what you love. Having passion in what you teach is important as:

  • Your passion will come through your teaching style.
  • How you present your course materials.
  • How you design the classes and structure your online course topics.

Your passion will make your students to fall in love with the subject more than they already do, making them your core online community who will support you in your journey as a course creator.

So, if you have a subject you adore talking about, you are a perfect candidate for creating online courses. The only thing you have to ensure is that the subject you teach is something you understand at an intimate and detailed level.

For instance, you might know how to create herbal concoctions but don’t know much about gardening. Don’t teach a class on gardening if you’ve never done it before. Rather, show how to source and forage the plants in the wild along with all the ways to create teas, infusions, decoctions, syrups, poultices and etc.

7. Influence Minds, Influence Culture

The point above leads us directly into how you can help heal our world by influencing others. Everyone understands that societies the world over are going through serious problems.

By conveying a topic that you love, it will infect other people and they way they think.

“It doesn’t matter what topic you’re teaching, creating a positive space for people to flourish and grow is invaluable. Just get started, the rest will fall in place later.”

Antony C. Founder of Teachng.com

When we can transform the way people think, they change the way they operate in their daily lives. By proxy, they’ll infect others in their sphere of influence and a domino effect begins.

Let’s say you’re going to teach a course on how to better tap into one’s creativity. Through meditation, visualization and brainstorming, students will develop a greater sense of purpose and will project that in their lives. Their families, friends, neighbors and coworkers will notice the change and it will pass onto them, even if in a small way.

8. Become an Authority

If you’re good at what you do, have thorough knowledge of the subject matter and are able to teach effectively, you will become an authority.

Course creators like public speakers and book authors are seen as the authority in their field.

Being an authority opens the door to many other potential opportunities with far-reaching ripple effects that go well into the future.

For instance, you may receive an interview request from the media or have a publisher approach you about writing a book. Universities may contact you about helping them develop their own curriculum on the topic or colleges could off you a professor’s job.

These are just a few examples of what could happen and, truly, the sky’s the limit. You never know, you may become a permanent fixture in the field for the rest of your life.

9. Access to a Larger Audience

Millions of people use the internet every day, in fact there is 5.18 billion internet users today. A great portion of them want to learn something new or expand their knowledge.

You can capitalize on this by setting up your course online. You’ll reach far more people than setting up a workshop in your home town or city.

With online courses, you can access people as far away in other countries like Germany, Japan or even Nigeria if you want. Doing so creates a community of likeminded people and builds relationships that have the possibility of lasting a lifetime.

10. Grow Your Income Exponentially

Although it may not be immediate, money isn’t far behind when you do what you love. Having an online learning space is a great way to supplement your income.

Online course is also a great way to generate a passive income for educators.

  • By building an online course, you get to teach thousands of students with the same effort used to create the course.
  • Great course will not only pay for itself but helps your transform your students who are interested in your course to become your course advocates that helps you market your course for you.
Reddit, Course Advocates
Course advocates on Forum when I was looking for a good PMP course

Many course creators make tens of thousands of dollars a month with just a few paying students.

The kind of earning potential of creating a course and sell it online is massive. If you are looking to grow your income, creating your online course and becoming an online course creator is a quick and simple way to boost your bank account while becoming financially free.

Why Some People Fail To Launch Their Online Course

The main reasons why some people don’t create their online course because they are unsure if their course content is good enough and are afraid that the course which they create don’t sell.

While these fears are understandable, you should not be held back by your fears. In the book “Start Small, Dream Big” talks about overcoming your fears and taking the first step and this is exactly what you need to do.

Reputation Start Small, Dream Big

As a course creator, the only demand on you is that you must stay ahead of your students’ progress and the online education you provided in your online training should help them meet their learning objective while keeping them engaged throughout the course.

How To Start Creating Your An Online Course

Setting up your online course is not as scary as many may think. While it takes effort and time on your part, it is not impossible for a new course creator to create a great online course that sells.

Creating successful online courses generally follows the same roadmap:

If you haven’t create your first online course for your online business, It’s probably time to give it some consideration and create your first course.

As the Learning Management System (LMS) advances, creating an online course have become easier for even non-coders.

The education industry is changing, and you can benefit a lot by participating in it.

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