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HomeExpert Insight5 Top Educators Expert Insight on Their Thoughts on Using AI in Education

5 Top Educators Expert Insight on Their Thoughts on Using AI in Education

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Teachng’ editorial team is committed to bring you the most helpful insight from top education experts with unbiased information and reviews. Do take note that some phases and words maybe edited to enable a better reading experience for you while adhering strictly to our editorial guidelines. Photo and insights credited to the courtesy of each expert featured in the article. We will like to thank our experts for providing their unique insights and helping to shape the future of online education.

Do you know how to use AI to transform how we teach and learn?

Today, it is an exciting time where anyone with internet can have a direct access to some of the most advance AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, OpenAI, Claude and Microsoft Bing AI. As AI evolves, it changes how we learn, transforming AI into educators assistant where educators use to make learning more streamline and effective.

Gaining expert insights from top educators ranging from CEOs, AI Education Founders, University Professors, Public School Teachers to Award-Winning Speaker, these experts in the industry have a few tips for you to use AI for the future of education as an online educator and course creator.


  • AI can help to simplify the process of learning and teaching.
  • AI makes learning personalization accessible to more learners and educators.
  • AI in education is here to stay, it is up to us to leverage the power of AI for education.

Tip 1. Simplify Complex Concepts With AI Assisted Learning

Merissa Sadler-Holder, an University speaker and recipient of ASU+GSV 2024 “Leading Woman in AI” with 13 years of classroom teaching experience she shares the powerful transformation of E-Learning with the use of AI in education.

Personalized learning is a big part of effective learning, she states, “By leveraging AI, the student would not only be able to interrupt (during a class), but also ask questions for clarification and be provided with examples based on the students’ interests.”

The capability to provide clarifications on the concepts as and when during a class makes AI powerful in helping students who struggle with complex concepts, making the learning process personalized to each individual learner.

“AI can adapt to each student’s learning pace and style, offering tailored support whenever needed.”

She think AI have the potential for:

  • Transform what we offer as an education
  • Support the success of the student
  • Break down access and cost barriers

Instead of “just speeding up existing educational offerings“, she think it is better to “reimagine what a meaningful education can look like for the future”.

I totally agree with what she has said, and I think AI will play a more important role to education in the future.

The future of education is bright, however it is up to us as educators to leverage the technology we have right now to make the future even more dazzling.

Expert Insight Merissa Sadler-Holder (Woman in AI)

Merissa Sadler-Holder

Educator & Founder of Teaching with Machines | Speaker | Recipient of ASU+GSV’s 2024 “Leading Woman in AI”

Tip 2. Leverage AI As Discussion Starter

From a long-time public school English teacher to a an esteem marketing copywriter, Aaron Wertheimer is not only well-versed in his craft but also an expert in using AI to aid in his quest for delivering learning experience that is both refreshing and effective.

He said, “As an English teacher, I often used AI to help me prepare sample essays, responses, and answers to essay questions and prompts posed in class. I used these essays as discussion starters in the classroom.”

While I know a lot of ways in leveraging AI, I am pretty surprised in how he make use of AI for teaching effectively, but in the simplest way possible.

  • Using AI to prepare questions and answers for learning materials
  • Use AI generated results as a discussion starter

Asking for an example, he state, “I would show an example of an essay generated by AI and ask my students what literary concepts, terms, and ideas were used in the essay that formed the foundation of the essay.”

It is simple, it is effective. I’d love it!

With a few simple AI prompt he helps his students to “develop executive functioning skills like meta-analysis, reflection, and emotional reasoning needed to be successful in and out of school settings.

Expert Insight Aaron Wertheimer (English Teacher and Copywriter)

Aaron Wertheimer

English Teacher | SEO marketing copywriter

Tip 3. Evolve Education into Personalized Learning With AI

When we are talking about expert insights about using AI, Alex Goryachev is one of the top names that will come to our mind. He is an award-winning AI and emerging technologies pioneer, Keynote Speaker, $Billion dollar growth strategist and a Wall Street Journal Bestselling author.

Want to learn how to leverage AI for education? He is your man.

He states one of the most transformative applications has been using AI-driven analytics to,

  1. Customize learning materials
  2. Customize pathways for individual learners

We are talking about personalization down to the nitty-gritty of each learner by “analyze individual learning patterns and performance”.

This have one powerful advantage over any other form of learning.

“Dynamic adjustment of course content to match the learner’s pace and understanding.”

He further mentions, “AI has been instrumental in automating administrative tasks such as grading and feedback on assignments. This speeds up the process and provides students with immediate, actionable feedback, facilitating a more adaptive learning environment.

By automating routine tasks, I can dedicate more time to interactive sessions and deeper engagement with students, focusing on areas where human mentorship is most beneficial.

Looking into the next decades or so, I too agree that AI will continue to plays a huge role in the future of education.

The level of personalization offers by AI is impossible for traditional education.

With the right use of AI, it can help to ensure that each participant receives instruction tailored to their needs and knowledge gaps which significantly enhancing engagement and retention rates.

Expert Insight Alex Goryachev (AI in Education)

Alex Goryachev

AI & Business Transformation Leader | Keynote Speaker | Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author | Architect of Global Innovation Strategies

Tip 4. Using AI to Move Up Bloom’s Taxonomy

Talking with the Brian Galvin, Chief Academic Officer of Varsity Tutor that oversees curriculum development and instructional strategies, he have some interesting thoughts on AI in education.

He states, “A big goal for educators is to move up Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives–to go from baseline knowledge to application, analysis, and synthesis.”

However, there always lies a challenge, which is the amount of “time” required.

  • Students needs to apply, analyze, and synthesize information; they have to go find quotes and statistics for an essay or debate.
  • Teachers needs to spend long time doing lesson planning; putting on multiple events per day on multiple topics, and designing engaging presentations, interactive activities, and assignments.

Today, with the help of AI “time” for both students and teachers can be cut short,

  • Research time for student is cut short, and students can spend more time analyzing, synthesizing, and applying.
  • Lesson planning time for teachers can be cut down by using AI to get information together and outlines started so that teachers can spend more of their time making lessons and activities click.

He believes AI for education will evolve even future, “Technology never goes backward–once a new technology hits a tipping point, it becomes a ubiquitous tool that rewards those who use it effectively. So AI isn’t just a useful tool for making education of current skills and concepts better; it’s an important skill for students to learn in its own right.”

Those who can harness the power of AI will have outsized opportunities in life.

Putting into perspective at our own human history, “A generation ago, there was a fear that ‘you won’t always have a calculator in your pocket’ and today those who grew up to be able to quickly process data on phones, tablets, and laptops are enjoying career success and using those abilities for technological breakthroughs. It will likely be similar for today’s learners.”

Expert Insight Brian Galvin (AI In Education)

Brian Galvin

Chief Academic Officer at Varsity Tutors

Tip 5. AI Makes Learning Related and Engaging

Dr. Jason Cherubini, Speaker, highly accomplished Entrepreneur and Executive-in-Residence and Assistant Teaching Professor at Loyola University Maryland have some pretty interesting insight for fellow teachers and educators who are looking to use AI for education.

As an educator, he see, “using AI in course design allows for unprecedented customization and personalization at scale. The instructor is able to create customized problems for each student.”

And to elaborate on his point, here is an example, “students can provide brief biographical information, such as their name and favorite product, and AI can generate tailored problems directly related to their interests base on the particular learning topic.”

AI in education not only engages students more effectively but also makes learning more relevant and enjoyable.

Getting to the point, here is an example to help illustrate what he mean, “Imagine a student who loves electric vehicles receiving a valuation problem involving Tesla; or a student whose family owns a restaurant and the valuation problem is structured to be about opening a second restaurant location.”

By using AI in education, it offers the benefit of,

  • Making the exercise personally meaningful, relatable, and more enjoyable than generalized textbook problems.
  • Offers customization that ensures each student receives a unique and impactful learning experience
  • Enhance their engagement and comprehension by connecting coursework to their personal interests.
Expert Insight: Dr. Jason Cherubini, Assistant Teaching Professor at Loyola University Maryland (Executive-In-Residence)

Dr. Jason Cherubini

Speaker | DBA, CPA, CGMA, CMA, MBA | Executive-in-Residence & Assistant Teaching Professor at Loyola University Maryland

Credit: Photo credited to the courtesy of each industry experts featured in the article.

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