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10 Worst Mistakes Online Course Creator Make & How To Overcome

Everyone makes mistakes, especially if you are an new course creator. However some mistakes should be avoided at all cost when you are creating an online course to sell and wanting to build a successful online business.


  • Biggest mistake that course creator make is lack of market research, without a clear understanding of the demand and supply of the course, the course creator will be like walking into a jungle blindfolded.
  • Not having a sales funnel that market and promote your online course the moment you’ve launch your course is the main reason why people even with amazingly created course are unable to sell their course.
  • You are 11 times more likely to make a sale to someone who’ve brought your course before than to sell to a totally new person, post-sales service and follow-up is the secret to selling more course.

10 Worst Online Course Creator Mistake You Should Avoid

Looking through the many mistakes course creator makes when trying to create quality courses, here are some of the best biggest and worst mistakes when launching your first online course that lead to low conversion rate, low engagement rate and low completion rate.


Mistake 1. Pricing Your Course Too Low

Ask yourself these questions when you first launch your course:

  • Is your course selling too cheap?
  • Are you short selling the course you’ve spend hours creating?
  • Is the value of the course you’ve created only worth this much?

If you are troubled by these questions, your course is probably price too low.

Biggest mistake that online course creators often make is undervaluing their course by setting the price too low. While it may seem counterintuitive, pricing your course too low can undermine its perceived quality and value.

People often associate cheapness with “low quality“, “bad content” and “time waster“.

“In the eyes of most learners, “cheap” = “bad”, “expensive” = “good”. This logic is sad but true.”

Antony C., Founder of Teachng

However do not mix up cheap with Free, a product that is cheap always a have a bad reputation, but a product offered free can have a positive effect on your marketing.

Consider the following factors when determining the appropriate price for your online course:

Assess the market value

  • Research and analyze the pricing of similar courses in your niche.
  • Consider the expertise and unique value you bring to the table.
  • Take into account the perceived value and benefits your course offers to learners.

Consider the course content and quality

  • Evaluate the depth and breadth of your course material.
  • Take into account any additional resources, tools, or bonuses included in the course.
  • Highlight the outcomes and benefits learners can expect to achieve.

Strike a balance

  • Find a pricing point that is both reasonable for learners and reflects the value you are offering.
  • Consider offering tiered pricing options, such as basic and premium packages, to cater to different budgets and needs.
  • Test and iterate on your pricing strategy based on learner feedback and market response.

As a course creator and educator, you need to learn how to price your course the right way and know how to truly monetize your course contents.

When done right, this can potentially help you maximize your earning potential by at least 300%.

Setting a higher price does not necessarily mean you will alienate potential learners. A well-priced course can communicate quality, professionalism, and a higher level of commitment to learners’ success.

Mistake 2. Thinking “I am not an Expert”

Biggest mistake made by aspiring online course creators is underestimating their own expertise and knowledge, and I admit even after decades of coaching and training others, I do sometimes still make this mistake myself.

You can be having decades of experience and known as an expert in something, but sometime you are just too humble, you feel that you are just “not-good-enough“, but the fact is that you have knowledge that is extremely valuable which many people want to learn.

Imposter syndrome or self-doubt can hinder your progress and prevent you from sharing valuable insights with learners. Avoid falling into this trap with the following considerations:

Focus on your target audience’s needs

  • Remember that learners are seeking your guidance and expertise to learn and grow.
  • Tailor your course content to address their specific pain points and provide actionable solutions.
  • Understand that you don’t need to have complete mastery; you simply need to offer valuable insights and guidance to help learners progress.

Emphasize continuous learning and growth

  • Acknowledge that expertise is not a fixed state but a journey of ongoing learning and improvement.
  • Stay updated with the latest industry trends, research, and best practices in your field.
  • Communicate your commitment to continuous learning to your learners, fostering an environment of growth and development.

No, I am not asking you to be arrogant and think that you are an expert in everything. That will be the panicle of stupidity.

As shown by the “Learning Curve Theory“, those who are arrogant are probably in the state of “Naively Confident“. You want to get pass that and go into the state of “Mastery Achieved“.

Learning Curve Theory - Online Course For Online Learning

You want to always learn and grow your knowledge.

Recognize your unique knowledge and experience

  • Identify the subject areas where you possess expertise and valuable insights.
  • Reflect on your accomplishments, qualifications, and practical experiences that make you qualified to teach.
  • Embrace the mindset that you have valuable knowledge to offer, even if you may not consider yourself an “expert” in the traditional sense.

Be confident when creating and deliver online courses that provide value to your learners.

Your unique insights and experiences can make a significant impact on the journey of those seeking to learn from you.

By reframing your perspective and embracing your expertise and keep on learning, you can overcome imposter syndrome and achieve the state of mastery.

Antony C., Founder of Teachng

Mistake 3: Lack of Proper Market Research on Your Niche

Market research is the essence of between making your online course a success or failure. Failing to understand your target audience and analyze the competition can lead to ineffective course creation and a total waste of your time.

There are two things that is totally within your control and contribute the most to your success as course creator:

  1. Choosing the right topic for your niche in creating your online course.
  2. Choosing the perfect online course platform for you to create and sell your course. 

Choosing the right topic for your niche can make or break your ability to succeed as an online course creator. While choosing the right platform with the best LMS depends on the features you want on your course.

Many creators make this common mistake and hastily choose a topic when they are rushing their course.

Business is all about supply and demand.

To choose the right niche you’ll need to minimally do these:

Get better understanding of the target audience

  • Identify your ideal learners and their specific needs.
  • Conduct surveys or interviews to gain insights into their preferences and pain points.
  • Analyze demographic data and psychographics to create targeted content.

Analyze your competition

  • Research other online courses in your niche.
  • Identify their strengths and weaknesses to differentiate your course.
  • Determine the unique value proposition that sets your course apart.

Mistake 4. Poor Course Planning and Design 

Structure your course well, and the rest will follow. Creating a course is not just the process of putting all thing together into a series of videos or assignments, it is much more than that.

Developing a well-structured and engaging online course is essential for attracting and retaining learners. If you are selling your online course and want your learners to enjoy your course so that can leave good reviews, do this:

Create clear learning objectives

  • For each of your course, always define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) learning objectives.
  • Communicate the desired outcomes to learners from the beginning.
  • Align your course content with these objectives to create a cohesive learning experience.

Set effective course structure and organization

  • Organize your course content logically and sequentially.
  • Use clear headings, subheadings, and modules to guide learners.
  • Provide a course outline and navigation tools for easy access to different sections.

Include multimedia integration

  • Utilize videos, images, infographics, and interactive elements to enhance learner engagement.
  • Incorporate multimedia strategically to support learning objectives and break down complex concepts.
  • Ensure compatibility with different devices and optimize load times for a seamless experience.

Mistake 5. Inadequate Instructional Design

The instructional design of your online course plays a crucial role in your course design and it helps to facilitate effective learning.

And to create an online course that truly helps your learners to meet their learning needs, keep these instructional design in mind when creating your course:

Follow pedagogical principles:

  • Apply instructional design models like ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) or SAM (Successive Approximation Model).
  • Incorporate active learning techniques such as discussions, case studies, and simulations.
  • Use appropriate instructional strategies, such as scaffolding and chunking, to promote comprehension.

Include lots of interactivity and engagement:

  • Foster learner engagement through interactive quizzes, polls, and discussions.
  • Encourage collaborative learning experiences, such as group projects or peer feedback.
  • Utilize gamification elements like badges or leaderboards to motivate learners.
ADDIE Model For Marketing

Mistake 6. Insufficient Assessment and Feedback 

The biggest disadvantage of online course is the lack of in-person feedbacks, but many online course platforms overcome this by providing course creators the option to provide personalized feedbacks within the course itself.

Assessing learner progress and providing timely feedback are essential components of a successful online course. If you want to have an engaging content for your learners, doing these will be key:

Include formative assessments

  • Incorporate quizzes, assignments, or interactive activities throughout the course.
  • Provide immediate feedback to reinforce learning and address misconceptions.
  • Use a variety of assessment formats, such as multiple-choice, essays, or practical exercises.

Always provide timely and constructive feedback

  • Establish clear guidelines for providing feedback to learners.
  • Offer personalized feedback that highlights strengths and suggests areas for improvement.
  • Encourage self-reflection and self-assessment to foster learner autonomy.

Both are essential for a successful online course, and providing timely and constructive feedbacks will differentiate you to all other course creators.

Mistake 7. Ineffective Marketing and Promotion 

New course creators often make the mistake of assuming that people will come as long as they’ve done a good job in creating their online course.

However, a course launch is never complete without proper marketing and promotion of your online course.

There are many ways you as an course creator can market your course to a wide audience, both free and paid. Creating a sales funnel for effective marketing is key to launching your course and making sales by reaching your target audience. And if you want your course to sell , use these marketing tips:

Apply marketing strategies

  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and partnerships.
  • Leverage search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to enhance visibility.
  • Engage with potential learners through webinars, guest blogging, or podcast interviews.

Know your branding and positioning

  • Develop a strong brand identity that aligns with your target audience.
  • Clearly communicate the unique value and benefits of your course.
  • Differentiate yourself by emphasizing your expertise or a specific teaching methodology.

A good marketing is never complete without good branding and positioning of your online course. Before you start your marketing strategies ask yourself these questions:

  • What are you currently being known for?
  • What do you want to be known for in the future?
  • What you want people of you when they mention your name?

Mistake 8. Lack of Improvement

If you want to succeed as an online creator, you need to continuously improve on every aspect of your course. Building an online course business is not just about building a course do nothing after that.

Depending on your niche, and your online course topics, most of the course requires updating and evolving with the needs of learners and stay ahead in the competitive online course market.

If you want to ensure your course can grow year after year, do this:

Gather learner feedback

  • Implement surveys, feedback forms, or course evaluations to collect learner insights. 
  • Analyze feedback to identify areas for improvement and address concerns. 
  • Consider implementing iterative updates based on learner feedback.

Stay updated with trends and technology

  • Stay informed about emerging trends in online education and instructional technologies.
  • Explore new tools, platforms, or teaching methods to enhance your course delivery.
  • Attend industry conferences, webinars, or workshops to expand your knowledge.

Mistake 9. Inadequate Support and Communication

Do you feel frustrated waiting for 45 minutes listening to automated message when you call the bank to ask a simple 3 minutes question? Do you feel disappointed when you ask your lecture about a simple question and they just brush you off and tell you to find your own answer?

Like you, your learners wants to be heard, they want support when they need it.

Providing exceptional support and maintaining effective communication with learners is crucial for their success and satisfaction with your online course. If you want to get a 5-star review for your online course, do this:

Provide prompt and responsive support:

  • Establish clear channels of communication, such as email, discussion forums, or chat platforms.
  • Respond to learner inquiries and concerns in a timely manner.
  • Provide comprehensive FAQs or knowledge bases to address common issues.

Increase engagement with learners

  • Foster a sense of community among learners through discussion forums or social media groups.
  • Encourage active participation and facilitate peer-to-peer interaction.
  • Offer periodic live sessions or webinars for real-time engagement and Q&A.

Adapt to learner feedback

  • Pay attention to learner feedback regarding course content, structure, or delivery.
  • Continuously improve and update your course based on valuable insights.
  • Implement suggestions for enhancements that align with the learning objectives.

By prioritizing support and maintaining open lines of communication with your learners, you create a positive learning environment that build strong relationships with your learners.

Add a little personal touch, and you’ll see your learners become more engage or transform into your true fans for your course.

Mistake 10. After You’ve Made the Sale, Don’t Stop Selling

Ok, you’ve got the sale, now what?

The biggest mistake online course creator, even experienced creators make is to neglecting their existing customers after the initial sale.

Many course creators are just too focused on getting new learners, however customer acquisition is always the hardest and it is the most costly.

The probably of selling to a new prospect is 5 to 20% or even lower, but probability of selling to an existing customer is as high as 60 to 70%.

“You are 11 times more likely to sell to your existing customer than to a new customer, thus it is most important to nurture and provide as much value to your current customer than to attract new customer.”

Antony C.

After you’ve made the first sale, continuing to engage and provide value to your learners post-purchase is crucial for building long-term relationships and maximizing your course’s impact. Avoid this common pitfall with the following considerations:

Nurture ongoing communication

  • Maintain regular communication with your learners through email newsletters, exclusive updates, or a dedicated community platform.
  • Share relevant industry insights, additional resources, or bonus content to further support their learning journey.
  • Keep them informed about updates, improvements, or new offerings related to the course.

Offer upsells and cross-sells

  • Identify opportunities to offer supplementary products, services, or advanced courses that complement the original course.
  • Provide incentives or exclusive discounts for existing customers to encourage them to explore additional offerings.
  • Highlight the value and benefits they can gain by continuing their learning journey with your brand.

Gather testimonials and success stories

  • Encourage satisfied learners to share their success stories and testimonials.
  • Use these testimonials as social proof to attract new customers and reinforce the value of your course.
  • Share these testimonials on your website, social media platforms, or in your marketing materials.

Foster a sense of community

  • Create a supportive and interactive community for your learners to connect, share insights, and learn from each other.
  • Facilitate discussions, Q&A sessions, or group activities to foster engagement and collaboration.
  • Showcase the success stories and achievements of your learners within the community to inspire others.

Provide ongoing value

  • Continuously offer new and relevant content, resources, or updates that align with your learners’ needs and interests.
  • Consider hosting webinars, workshops, or masterclasses exclusively for existing customers.
  • Show your commitment to their long-term growth and success beyond the initial purchase.

What Does These Common Mistakes That Course Creator Make When Creating an Online Course Tells Us?

Creating a successful online course requires careful planning (pre-selling and marketing) continuous improvement, and avoiding common mistakes.

By understanding your capability, be more confident and always strive to improve, you will become a better course creator. And to make a better course that is designed to succeed in the eLearning space, you’ll need to conducting thorough market research, designing engaging courses, implementing effective instructional strategies, and leveraging marketing tactics.

With the understanding of the biggest mistakes that course creators make you can set yourself up for success as an online course creator, even if you are a new course creator.

With online course industry growing rapidly at 20% per annual, the online learning landscape is dynamic, so staying updated and adapting to learner needs is crucial.

Get started by learning how to find the best online course platform to start creating your first online course and implementing the different strategies to make your journey as an edupreneur a success.

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